Contents of Aleut Tribal Code
Title 1
Administration and Government Services
- 1.05 General Provisions
Sovereign Immunity of the St. Paul Tribe
- 1.10.10 Interpretation of This Chapter and Waiver for Enforcement of the Indian Civil Rights Act (ICRA).
- 1.10.20 Procedures and Conditions for Waiving Tribal Sovereign Immunity.
- 1.10.30 Waivers of Tribal Sovereign Immunity Shall Not Be General.
- 1.10.40 Voiding Prior Waivers Unless Compliant With This Chapter.
- 1.15 Adopting, Amending, and Repealing St. Paul Island Tribal Ordinances
- 1.20 Ethics Standards for Conduct of Tribal Council Members, Court Judges, Employees, and Representatives of the Tribe
- 1.25 St. Paul Island Tribal Council Structure
- 1.30 Meetings
Tribal Election Code
- 1.35.10 Purpose and Authority.
- 1.35.20 General Guidelines for St. Paul Island Tribal Elections.
- 1.35.30 Voter Qualifications.
- 1.35.40 Election Committee.
- 1.35.50 Election of St. Paul Tribal Council Members.
- 1.35.60 Absentee Voting.
- 1.35.70 Special Elections.
- 1.35.80 Recounts and Challenging Election Results.
- 1.40 Rights of Tribal Members
- 1.45 Membership and Enrollment
- 1.50 Cooperative Agreements
- 1.55 Codification Authority
Title 2
Tribal Courts
- 2.05.10 Introduction.
- 2.05.20 Establishment of Court.
- 2.05.30 Tribal Designation.
- 2.05.40 Purpose.
- 2.05.50 Authority to Establish the St. Paul Island Tribal Court System.
- 2.05.60 Conflict With Other Laws.
- 2.05.70 Bound by Indian Civil Rights Act and Tribal Laws.
- 2.05.80 Jurisdiction of the St. Paul Island Tribal Court System.
- 2.05.90 No Acceptance of State Jurisdiction.
- 2.05.100 Suits Against the Tribal Government.
- 2.05.110 Inclusion of Language from Other Laws.
Court Structure
- 2.10.10 St. Paul Island Tribal Court Structure.
- 2.10.20 Assignment of Cases to Judges.
- 2.10.30 Elder Court Advisor(s) Position.
- 2.10.40 Tribal Court Clerk Position.
- 2.10.50 The Appellate Court.
- 2.10.60 Court of Final Appeal.
- 2.10.70 Right to Representation.
- 2.10.80 Repeal of or Amendments to the Court Structural Ordinance.
Court of Appeals Procedures
- 2.15.10 Judges of the Appellate Court.
- 2.15.20 Jurisdiction.
- 2.15.30 Grounds for Appeal.
- 2.15.40 Matters to Be Considered on Appeal.
- 2.15.50 Clerk.
- 2.15.60 Stay Pending Appeal – Bonds on Appeal.
- 2.15.70 Fees on Appeal.
- 2.15.80 Record of Appeal.
- 2.15.90 Beginning the Appeal.
- 2.15.100 Initial Review of Appeal.
- 2.15.110 Briefs on Appeal.
- 2.15.120 Oral Argument.
- 2.15.130 Voluntary Withdrawal of Appeal.
- 2.15.140 Reconsideration.
- 2.15.150 Pretrial Conference.
- 2.15.160 Convening the Court of Appeals.
- 2.15.170 Decisions of the Court of Appeals.
- 2.15.180 Costs on Appeal.
Rules of Civil Procedure
- 2.20.10 Applicability.
- 2.20.20 Purpose, Scope, Construction.
- 2.20.30 Prohibition Against Attorneys in a Civil Proceeding, Tribe Exemption.
- 2.20.40 Process for Actions.
- 2.20.50 Specifics of the Complaint, Consent to Judgment, Answer.
- 2.20.60 Service.
- 2.20.70 Filing Fee.
- 2.20.80 Preresolution Reports.
- 2.20.90 Pretrial Hearings.
- 2.20.100 Trial by Court.
- 2.20.110 Burden of Proof, Witnesses, Rules of Evidence.
- 2.20.120 Compelling Witnesses to Appear, Subpoena, Requests.
- 2.20.130 Relief Allowed, Judgment, Default Judgment, Form of Judgment.
- 2.20.140 Orders to Show Cause.
- 2.20.150 Appeals.
- 2.20.160 Time Computation.
- 2.20.170 Certification of Adoption.
- 2.25 Reserved
Rules of An’gim Tunuu
- 2.30.10 Purpose, Scope, Construction.
- 2.30.20 Establishment.
- 2.30.30 Definitions.
- 2.30.40 Maqa{si{ta{, Appointment, Powers, Limitations, Duties, Conduct.
- 2.30.50 Participants, Consent, Request, Referral, Jurisdiction.
- 2.30.60 Invitees.
- 2.30.70 Interested Persons.
- 2.30.80 Duties of the Tribal Court Clerk.
- 2.30.90 An’gim Tunuu Procedure.
- 2.30.100 Process for an An’gim Tunuu Session.
- 2.30.110 Decisions Rendered from An’gim Tunuu.
- 2.30.120 Recommendations to Tribal Court.
- 2.30.130 Final Order Issued by Tribal Court.
- 2.30.140 Certification of Adoption.
Tana{ Ludaaĝin Qimis{Anangin “Island Elders Best Chosen”
- 2.35.10 Purpose, Scope, Construction.
- 2.35.20 Establishment.
- 2.35.30 Definitions.
- 2.35.40 Elders, Appointment, Powers, Duties.
- 2.35.50 Appearance, Consent, Request, Referral, Jurisdiction.
- 2.35.60 Duties of the Tribal Court Clerk.
- 2.35.70 Procedure.
- 2.35.80 Session Procedure.
- 2.35.90 Decisions Rendered from Tana{ Ludaaĝin Qimis{anangin.
- 2.35.100 Final Order Issued by Tribal Court.
- 2.35.110 Certification of Adoption.
- 2.40 Contempt of Court
Title 3
Civil Offenses
- 3.05 Reserved
Civil Infractions
- 3.10.10 Purpose.
- 3.10.20 Jurisdiction of the Tribal Court.
- 3.10.30 Definitions.
- 3.10.40 Notice of Infraction, Issuance, Service, Filing.
- 3.10.50 Person Receiving Notice, Identification and Detention.
- 3.10.60 Form of Notice, Determination Final Unless Contested.
- 3.10.70 Response to Notice.
- 3.10.80 Trial by Court.
- 3.10.90 Monetary Penalties, Restitution.
- 3.10.100 Failure to Sign Notice, Failure to Appear, Failure to Satisfy Judgment.
- 3.10.110 Certification of Adoption.
- 3.15 Offenses Against the Community
Title 4
- 4.05 General Provisions
- 4.10 Rules of Juvenile Procedure
Juvenile Offenses
- 4.15.10 Bullying, Intimidation, Harassment.
- 4.15.20 Curfew.
- 4.15.30 Truancy.
- 4.15.40 Unauthorized Absence from Home.
- 4.15.50 Possession or Consumption of Tobacco.
- 4.15.60 Possession or Consumption of Alcohol or Drugs.
- 4.15.70 Bicycle Helmets.
- 4.15.80 All-Terrain Vehicle Operation.
- 4.15.90 Other Delinquent Acts.
- 4.15.100 Accountability of Parent(s), Guardian(s), or Custodian(s).
- 4.15.110 Certification of Adoption.
Title 5
Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence
- 5.05.10 Declaration of Policy.
- 5.05.20 Definitions.
- 5.05.30 Arraignment/Initial Appearance and Conditions of Release.
- 5.05.40 Arrest.
- 5.05.50 Immunity.
- 5.05.60 Crimes Involving Domestic Violence.
- 5.05.70 Custody.
- 5.05.80 Law Enforcement Officers.
- 5.05.90 Civil Action.
- 5.05.100 Hearing and Notice.
- 5.05.110 Relief.
- 5.05.120 Court Duties.
- 5.05.130 Warning.
- 5.05.140 Penalties.
Domestic Violence
Title 6
Domestic Relations
- 6.05 Reserved
Care of Children
- 6.10.10 Declaration of Children’s Rights.
- 6.10.20 Purpose, Scope, Construction.
- 6.10.30 Definitions.
- 6.10.40 Jurisdiction.
- 6.10.50 Rights of Parties.
- 6.10.60 Agreements With Other Jurisdictions.
- 6.10.70 Confidentiality of Records.
- 6.10.80 Children in Need of Protection.
- 6.10.90 Intervention by Tribe, Transfer of Jurisdiction Under ICWA.
- 6.10.100 Neglected and Abused Children – Reporting and Sanctions.
- 6.10.110 Certification of Adoption.
Termination of Parental Rights
- 6.15.10 Jurisdiction.
- 6.15.20 Procedure.
- 6.15.30 Pretermination Report.
- 6.15.40 Consent.
- 6.15.50 Termination Hearing.
- 6.15.60 Decree of Termination.
- 6.15.70 Dispositional Alternatives.
- 6.15.80 Child Support Obligation Unaffected.
- 6.15.90 Enrollment Status Unaffected.
- 6.15.100 Confidentiality of Records.
- 6.15.110 Certification of Adoption.
- 6.20 Adoptions
- 6.25 Domestic Relations – Marriage and Divorce Code
Title 7
Environment and Resources
Prevention of Rodents on St. Paul Island
- 7.05.10 Purpose.
- 7.05.20 Authority.
- 7.05.30 Definitions.
- 7.05.40 Prevention Program.
- 7.05.50 Vessels.
- 7.05.60 Food Source Control.
- 7.05.70 Inspections.
- 7.05.80 Infested Structures or Vessels.
- 7.05.90 Elimination of Infestation.
- 7.05.100 Rodent Information Posting.
- 7.05.110 Enforcement.
- 7.05.120 Sentencing Policy.
- 7.05.130 Sentencing Guidelines.
- 7.05.140 Certification of Adoption.
Customary Traditional Use of Northern Fur Seal
- 7.10.10 Purpose.
- 7.10.20 Authority.
- 7.10.30 Definitions.
- 7.10.40 Eligible Harvesters.
- 7.10.50 Harvest Methods.
- 7.10.60 Harvest Season and Locations.
- 7.10.70 Quotas or Limits.
- 7.10.80 Management and Research.
- 7.10.90 Permits and Fees.
- 7.10.100 Audio or Visual Recording of a Harvest.
- 7.10.110 Monitoring and/or Reporting.
- 7.10.120 Respectful Practices.
- 7.10.130 Enforcement.
- 7.10.140 Sentencing Policy.
- 7.10.150 Certification of Adoption.
- 7.15 Northern Fur Seal Rookery and Haulout Trespass, Disturbance, and Viewing
Littering, Illegal Dumping, Hazardous Materials, Marine Debris, Abandoned Vehicles, Equipment, Vessels and Parts, and Burning
- 7.20.10 Purpose.
- 7.20.20 Authority.
- 7.20.30 Definitions.
- 7.20.40 Littering and Illegal Dumping.
- 7.20.50 Abandoned Vehicles, Equipment, Vessels, and Other Items.
- 7.20.60 Hazardous Materials.
- 7.20.70 Marine Debris.
- 7.20.80 Burning.
- 7.20.90 Education.
- 7.20.100 Enforcement.
- 7.20.110 Civil Penalties and Damages.
- 7.20.120 Certification of Adoption.
- 7.25 Cultural Sites, Artifacts, Remains, and Gravesites
Intellectual Property, Photographing and Videotaping, Reproduction and Publishing, and Research Requirements
- 7.30.10 Purpose.
- 7.30.20 Authority.
- 7.30.30 Definitions.
- 7.30.40 Intellectual Property.
- 7.30.50 Photographing and Videotaping.
- 7.30.60 Reproducing or Publishing Cultural Stories or Traditional Knowledge.
- 7.30.70 Research Requirements.
- 7.30.80 Enforcement.
- 7.30.90 Civil Penalties and Damages.
- 7.30.100 Certification of Adoption.
Prevention of Rodents on St. Paul Island
- Title 8 Hunting and Fishing (Reserved)
Title 9
Business and Commerce
- 9.05 Reserved
- 9.10 Reserved
Nonprofit Corporations
Article I.
Substantive Provisions
- 9.15.10 Definitions.
- 9.15.20 Scope of Chapter.
- 9.15.30 Purposes.
- 9.15.40 Conversion of Corporate Status Prohibited.
- 9.15.50 General Powers.
- 9.15.60 Waiver of Tribal Sovereign Immunity.
- 9.15.70 Defense of Ultra Vires.
- 9.15.80 Principles of Law.
- 9.15.90 Corporate Name.
- 9.15.100 Registered Agent.
- 9.15.110 Change of Registered Agent.
- 9.15.120 Resignation of Registered Agent.
- 9.15.130 Service of Process on Corporation.
- 9.15.140 Members.
- 9.15.150 Bylaws.
- 9.15.160 Meetings of Members.
- 9.15.170 Notice of Members’ Meeting.
- 9.15.180 Voting.
- 9.15.190 Quorum.
- 9.15.200 Board of Directors.
- 9.15.210 Number, Election, Classification and Removal of Directors.
- 9.15.220 Vacancies.
- 9.15.230 Quorum of Directors.
- 9.15.240 Committees of the Board of Directors.
- 9.15.250 Place and Notice of Directors’ Meetings.
- 9.15.260 Officers.
- 9.15.270 Removal of Officers.
- 9.15.280 Books and Records.
- 9.15.290 Shares of Stock and Dividends Prohibited.
- 9.15.300 Loans to Directors and Officers Prohibited.
- Article II. Incorporation
- Article III. Amendments
- Article IV. Voluntary Dissolution
Article V.
Involuntary Dissolution
- 9.15.470 Involuntary Judicial Dissolution.
- 9.15.480 Jurisdiction of Court to Liquidate Assets and Affairs of Corporation.
- 9.15.490 Decree of Involuntary Dissolution.
- 9.15.500 Grounds for Administrative Dissolution.
- 9.15.510 Procedure for and Effect of Administrative Dissolution.
- 9.15.520 Reinstatement Following Administrative Dissolution.
- 9.15.530 Appeal from Denial of Reinstatement.
- 9.15.540 Deposits With the Tribal Clerk.
- Article VI. Reports and Filings
- Article VII. Miscellaneous Provisions
Article I.
Substantive Provisions
- Tables